Gardening jobs for September
TREES, SHRUBS AND FLOWERS Reseed bare lawn patches. Use horticultural fleece or netting to protect the seed from the birds.This is the perfect tome to plant crocus, daffodil and iris to make a spring time display.Move self seeded biennials such as foxgloves.Prune...
Gardening jobs for August
TREES, SHRUBS AND FLOWERS Tidy up perennials. Cut back spent flowr stems and foliage.Take cuttings for more plants. Use this season's non flowering growth to take cuttings from Choisya, Hebe, Cistus, Penstemon and Dianthus. Keep in moist compost in a warm, bright...
Gardening jobs for July
TREES SHRUBS AND FLOWERS Prune flowering shrubs that flower in early summer, such as Philadelphus and Weigelia, to healthy new growth lower down. Prune the oldest woody stems down to ground level. Water new plants regularly Pick sweet peas regularly and remove...
Gardening jobs for June
TREES, SHRUBS AND FLOWERS Define lawn edges with a half moon edging iron or spade. Give container plants a regular feed of high potassium liquid feed, you can make your own by putting comfrey leaves in a bucket of water somewhere out of the way and leaving for 2 to 3...
Gardening jobs for May
TREES , SHRUBS AND FLOWERS Prune Spring flowering shrubs sow hardy annuals such as sunflowers, nasturtiums and Nigella direct into the ground. Plant up hanging baskets and containers with bedding, if you have a bright , frost free place to keep them until they can go...
Gardening jobs for April
As the weather warms up it is time to get sowing, pruning and preparing your garden for the exciting season ahead. TREES, SHRUBS AND FLOWERS Take basal cuttings of herbaceous perennials such as Delphinium and Phlox. Take a sharp knife to remove sturdy shoots, pot up...
Gardening jobs for March
Make the most of longer days to prepare your garden for the coming season. TREES, SHRUBS AND FLOWERS Lift and divide summer flowering perennials. This helps to promote vigorous growth and makes new plants for free! Now is a good time to move evergreen shrubs. Remove...
Gardening jobs for February
There is plenty to do to prepare your garden for the warmer months just around the corner. TREES, SHRUBS AND FLOWERS There is still time to plant lily bulbs for borders and pots. Start dahlia tubers into growth. Plant tubers in a shallow tray of potting compost in a...
Gardening Jobs for January
Even on the coldest days there are things that you can be doing to ensure that you get the best out of your garden in the months ahead. TREES , SHRUBS AND FLOWERS Cut back vigorous climbers such as Virginia creeper to keep them within their allotted space on your...
Gardening Jobs for December
From ordering seeds to planting trees there is still plenty to do during the festive season Deciduous trees and shrubs can be planted/transplanted now as long as the ground is not waterlogged or frozen. When pruning deciduous trees, shrubs and hedges look out...
Gardening jobs for November
As the weather cools and plant growth slows there is still plenty of propagating, tidying and harvesting to do this month. Continue to mow lawns with the blades set on a high setting of about 4cm. After flowering cut back the growth of Penstemons by about one third...
Gardening Jobs for October
This month is an ideal time for planting and moving trees and shrubs Remove saucers from under pots and put them on raised feet. Lift and divide summer flowering perennials. Check on greenhouse temperatures, a minimum of 7 degrees is needed for overwintering tender...
Gardening Jobs for September
- Plant new perennials towards the end of the month. Begin autumn lawn care by scarifying, spiking and top dressing. Reseed bare patches Plant Spring flowering bulbs such as Narcissus,Crocus,Scillas and Hyacinths. Take semi ripe cuttings of tender plants and grow on a...
Gardening Jobs for August
- Take photos and notes of your borders for future planning. - Continue deadheading plants such as roses, annuals and dahlias - Summer prune Wisteria by cutting back the whippy green shoots to 5 or 6 leaves which will encourage flower buds to form. - Keep Camellias...
Gardening Jobs for August
Gardening Jobs for July
It's the height of Summer, the bees are busy and so are the gardeners! See below for your essential July checklist. - Cut flowers are plentiful now. If you love the fabulous scent of sweet peas filling your home the more you cut the more you will stimulate them to...
Gardening jobs for June
June 21st is the longest day of the year and the extra light and warmth encourages the garden to put on an extra spurt of growth. However this extra light and warmth also means weeds will sprout up from seemingly nowhere so keep on top of them! Hoe borders...