- Move evergreen shrubs. Take a rootball as large as possible. Replant in a new position and water in thoroughly.
- Make use of fallen leaves, either by leaving them in flower beds where they will provide a habitat for for wildlife, or collect them up and make into leaf mould.
- Leave windfall fruit for birds and insects. If it looks unsightly, throw to the back of the border.
- Lift herbaceous perennials and divide them.
- Take hardwood rose cuttings. Make cuttings from healthy shoots, first removing the soft tip. Cut into 15 – 30 cm sections, making a cut above a budget the top and just below a bud at the bottom. Insert the cuttings into the soil leaving a quarter visible.
- Remove fallen leaves and debris from around alpines.
- Clear away spent vegetable crops.
- Start winter onion sets. Gently push into loose soil or plant into prepared rows.Delay planting until Spring on heavy clay soils.
- Leave sunflowers and teasels. Their seed packed heads make feeding stations for the birds.
- Mulch or sow green manure. This protects the soil from winter weathering.
- Plant garlic now.
- Delay cutting back herbaceous perennials. Leave some stems standing until February or March to provide shelter for invertebrates.
- Plant out Spring cabbages.
- Move citrus plants under cover well before the first frosts arrive.
- Clean bird boxes. Use a brush and boiling water, not chemicals.Dry them afterwards.
- Reduce mowing frequency.
- Divide established rhubarb plants.
- Store the last main crop potatoes.