- Protect tree trunks with rabbit guard or chicken wire to stop rabbits nibbling the bark.
- Lay new turf as long as the ground is not waterlogged or frozen
- Clean pots and trays with warm soapy water to stop infection carrying over.
- Net brassicas such as kale and brussel sprouts to prevent pigeon damage
- Sow early broad beans such as Aquadulce
- Bring citrus indoors to a cool well lit room, reduce watering and feed with a winter citrus feed.
- Protect tender perennials in a frost free greenhouse or similar.
- Plant shrubs with berries to provide winter sustenance for birds.
- Clean out bird boxes.
- Check tree supports to see that they are secure and that the ties are not biting into the bark.
- Leave ivy untrimmed so that it produces berries for bird,
- Sow nuts such as cobnuts, acorns and horse chestnuts as they need a cold period of two to three months to germinate.