- Prune deciduous shrubs.
- sow sweet peas.
- Compost leftover cardboard.
- Remove algae from paths with a stiff broom.
- Resist the desire to tidy up every part of your garden.Fallen leaves and stems of herbaceous perennials provide homes for ladybirds and other beneficial insects.
- Clean bird feeders with a dilute solution of disinfectant to prevent the spread of diseases such as avian flu.
- Give houseplants the occasional water.
- Keep off the soil to avoid compaction, if you must walk on it use a plank to spread your weight.
- Cut off old leaves of Hellebores to control leaf spot disease and to show off the flowers.
- Clean and sharpen tools.
- Add winter flowering shrubs such as Mahonias, Daphnes and Winter Box( Sarcococcus).
- Plant fruit as long as the ground isn’t water logged or frozen, Trees, fruit bushes and raspberry canes.
- Move deciduous trees and shrubs.