Consider winter protection as the weather gets colder and frosts become likely.
- Prune roses to prevent wind-rock.
- Plant tulips for next spring.
- Plant bare root roses.
- Remove black spot on roses. Collect and dispose of fallen leaves infected with black spot, then mulch with well rotted compost or manure.
- Raise up pots to avoid water logging.
- Avoid disturbing ladybirds as they will eat aphids your garden next spring.
- Tie in climbers.
- Protect any swedes left in the ground with a 15cm layer of straw.
- Stake Brussel Sprouts.
- Plant Garlic.
- Introduce new fruit bushes as long as the ground is not frozen or waterlogged.
- Keep hungry birds fed and watered.
- Check Brassica nets are secure.
- Harvest winter Cauliflowers.
- Prune Apple and Pear trees.
- Remove unecessary fruit cages.
- Create a mini pond.
- Clean up your greenhouse.
- Save your pumpkin seeds.