Gardening jobs for February

All through this month there is plenty to do to prepare your garden for spring


  • There is still time to plant lily bulbs in borders and containers.
  • Start dahlia tubers into growth. Plant up in a shallow tray of potting compost in a light , warm place. When roots reach 2 to 3 cmsdivide the tubers, pot up again and grow in frost free conditions until ready to plant out in early June.
  • Start feeding roses. You can use a general purpose or rose fertiliser later this month.
  • Prune Wisteria by cutting back sideshoots and shortening the summer pruned shoots to just 2 or 3 buds.
  • Remove old stems completely from herbaceous perennials as new growth starts to emerge.
  • Lawns may need mowing soon.Use a high setting and avoid frosty or damp conditions.
  • Continue to deadhead winter bedding such as pansies.
  • Sow sweet peas on a windowsill or cool greenhouse.


  • Prune autumn fruiting raspberries right down to the ground.
  • Apply a general purpose fertiliser to tree, bush and cane fruit.
  • Plant bare root cane fruit.
  • Sow tomatoes and cucumber for cultivation under glass in a warm bright place. For crops to go outdoors sow in March.
  • Chit seed potatoes in a light, cool but frost free place
  • Thin out overcrowded branches of citrus  and prune back straggly branches by up to two thirds.
  • Protect flowers of outdoor peaches, nectarines and apricots trees with horticultural fleece.


  • Deciduous hedges should be pruned this month ahead of birds nesting.
  • When ordering plants or seeds online use a reputable UK supplier to prevent spreading pests and diseases.
  • Now is a good time to install compost bins or bays. Position in partial shade , directly onto soil to allow drainage and access for vital soil organisms.
  • Done every few years now ids a good time to coppice hazel producing strong straight stems ideal as bean poles or ornamental climbers.
What do you want to do ?

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