Gardening Jobs for October

by | Oct 1, 2020 | Uncategorized

This month is an ideal time for planting and moving trees and shrubs

  • Remove saucers from under pots and put them on raised feet.
  • Lift and divide summer flowering perennials.
  • Check on greenhouse temperatures, a minimum of 7 degrees is needed for overwintering tender winter bedding.
  • Check tree ties and takes to check they have not become too tight.
  • Rake fallen leaves off the lawn.
  • Remove any larger figs that are unlikely to ripen now leaving only those that are pea sized, with frost protection these may overwinter to ripen next summer.
  • Harvest maincrop potatoes.
  • Continue to harvest apples, pears and grapes.
  • If you grow blackberries or hybrid berries such as Tayberries, Boysenberries and Loganberries prune them now. Prune off fruited canes at ground level and tie in new canes.
  • In mild areas you cn sow broad beans at the end of October. Hardier cultivars can overwinter to produce an early crop next year.
  • Plant out spring cabbages when they have five or six true leaves. Plant with the lowest leaves at ground level and water well.
  • Mound up soil around the base of brussel sprouts to provide support and prevent root disturbance in windy weather.
  • Encourage birds into the garden by putting up a range of feeders, a bird bath for bathing and drinking and put up neting boxes.
  • Collect deciduous leaves to make leafmould that can be used as a mulch, soil conditioner or potting compost ingredient. Place damp leaves in old compost bags or bin bags, seal and pierce holes in them, then leave for 12 to 18 months to break down.
  • Plant nectar rich spring bulbs such as snowdrop, aconites and crocus to provide food for pollinators.
  • Regularly remove leaves from ponds
  • Turn your compost heap to aid decomposition. Doing this early in the month will avoid disturbing torpid reptiles or hibernating hedgehogs.
  • Dispose of infected rose leaves, do not compost them.
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